Use Java8 Time Instead Of Jaxb Gregorian
Please stop using XmlGregorianCalendar as the default type to model xs:date
or xs:dateTime
in a JAXB class. If you’re on Java 8 or later then you should be using the new java.time
classes like LocalDate
, LocalDateTime
, and ZonedDateTime
If you’re on an earlier version of Java and are unable or unwilling to upgrade then you can map the xs:date
and xs:datetime
types to joda-time
Why you shouldn’t use XmlGregorianCalendar
This type lacks the semantics of what the underlying data type really is. The biggest distinction is whether the value is an xs:date
or an xs:dateTime
. A second distinction is whether the value is a local date/time versus one tied to a specific timezone offset.
The @XmlSchemaType
attribute conveys whether the underlying schema type is an xs:date
or xs:dateTime
but this isn’t enforced in the generated code and in fact some popular frameworks like Jackson simply ignore the @XmlSchemaType
annotation and marshal the value as a full ISO 8601 date and time which isn’t great when you want a simple yyyy-mm-dd value.
Consider something like a person’s birthday. This is probably best modeled as a LocalDate
. We don’t need a specific timezone offset nor do we need a specific time. If someone asks your birthday, you’re unlikely to provide a time, it’s just the date.
It’s also possible that our data model could have a xs:dateTime
that’s not tied to a specific timezone. Maybe it’s a restaurant chain’s offer that has drink or food specials on a specifc date from 4pm - 6pm. The fields for this object wouldn’t need to include a timezone. We only want the local date and time.
Finally, in some cases we want the full date, time, and timezone. This could be an XmlGregorianCalendar
but given that the new Java 8 types are immuatable then it makes sense to use these immutable types as opposed to the default Xml types.
Here’s an example with the jaxws-maven-plugin
Bindings file
The jaxb-bindings file is in the bindings directory which in this example is src/jaxb
as configured in the plugin above
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:xs=""
<xjc:javaType adapter="com.massfords.LocalDateAdapter"
name="java.time.LocalDate" xmlType="xs:date"/>
JAXB Adapter
The xml adapter is a trivial amount of code. You can follow this pattern for LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime since both have good parse and toString methods.
package com.massfords;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;
import java.time.LocalDate;
public class LocalDateAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String,LocalDate> {
public LocalDate unmarshal(String v) throws Exception {
return LocalDate.parse(v);
public String marshal(LocalDate v) throws Exception {
if (v != null) {
return v.toString();
} else {
return null;
What about other types?
You can follow the above templates and add a mapping and adapter for xs:dateTime
to map them to a LocalDateTime
. This is simply a copy/paste/replace
for LocalDate
. However, if your application has actual xs:dateTime
which refer to a specific instant in time that requires a timezone then my suggestion is to explicitly model this as its own extension of xs:dateTime
which will allow you to add a mapping targeted at just these occurrences. The value of having an explicit type is that you’ll always know when an xs:dateTime
refers to a dateTime with a timezone offset as opposed to a timezone free xs:dateTime